Author: Community Outreach Coordinator Moe Gram
Our team is super excited to announce our first ever Reach Core Artist Resident: Juannean Young!
This 6-month residency program supports Reach Core Artist Alumni who are looking to elevate their creative practice and explore new possibilities in their professional careers.
Learn more about the Reach community art program at RedLine >
Throughout the residency, Reach will support artists by coordinating studio visits with working artists and curators, providing access to monthly industry talks and professional development opportunities, and additional needs-based resources.
Meet Juannean Young, First Reach Core Artist Resident
Juannean Young is a multidisciplinary artist, creative life coach, and alumni of the Reach program. Throughout her time in Reach, she nurtured her own creative practice while also being the greatest cheerleader to everyone within the group.
Known for her colorful digital abstract works, fantastic public speaking skills, and delightful singing voice, she will undoubtedly bring a great vibrancy to the life of this residency program.
We sat down with Juannean to learn about her journey as an artist, how Reach has helped to elevate her professional arts career, and what she’s most excited about for her 6-month Reach Artist Residency.
Learn more about our very first Reach Core Resident Artist below!
Tell us a little bit about how you found a love for artmaking. What sparked your interest?
My creative journey started when I was about 14 years old.
As a young professional model, I found myself wanting to express my unique personality on and off the runway. Often in a matter of minutes, many of my friends would find me twisting and tucking an ordinary shirt and turning it into a high-fashion dress that was more my style.
It wasn’t until about 2011 when I saw my son drawing stick figures in the most interesting and action-oriented poses. It was then that I began gaining a desire to express myself in different ways visually. I wanted to be able to draw too!
I quickly realized that at that time, realism wasn’t my strongest skill. So, instead of trying to force it, I decided to take the time to just let my hands move on paper with gel pens. I’d let them curve and scribble, whichever way felt most natural.
In that process, I discovered my strength as an abstract artist. Within weeks of this discovery, I was offered a solo show in Seattle, WA.
Another monumental part of my artistic journey was being inspired by my uncle (a manly marine), who was brave enough to start making jewelry for women.
At a time when I was trying to figure out a different creative direction for my life, I remember his example and quickly discovered my passion for abstract jewelry making! I could write on and on, but this is the gist of what has sparked my artmaking interests.
How has the Reach program impacted your creative professional career?
While forging my way through trauma and also trying to figure out entrepreneurship, I found myself in a shelter. It was during this time that I was introduced to RedLine and the Reach Program.
It was just what I needed: a place to practice different styles of art freely, without worrying about how to pay for supplies and where to store the art.
My time as a Reach Core Artist helped me to get away from the trauma and redirect my focus toward what I could consistently create and build for myself as an artist.
I displayed my art in multiple group shows with other Reach Artists, had 5 solo shows simultaneously, discovered how to combine my Life Coaching Certification with my art, and became a Creative Life Coach.
I built an online coaching program that launched free for Reach Artists, published a creative guided self-development journal, and launched a sportswear line sublimated with my original art.
Needless to say, Reach was a God-send!
“It was just what I needed: a place to practice different styles of art freely, without worrying about how to pay for supplies and where to store the art. ”
What are some themes or concepts you will be exploring during your Reach Core Artist Residency?
I will be exploring how to encourage creative ways to evolve through self-development by combining Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Divination tools, and practical art.
What’s one specific thing you’re most excited about for this residency?
I’m using this residency to combine divided practices of creativity that I’ve used over the past 10 years and creating a new evolved way of expressing my artistic perspectives of the world.
What do you hope to gain from your 6 month residency?
I would like to gain a new trajectory for the art practices that I’ve developed over the years, and explore taking them to the next level.
I’m super excited about this residency and am deeply grateful for the opportunity!
Any upcoming events or exhibitions you would like to share?
Please subscribe to the email list on my website to stay tuned for more information on future workshops, books, and my first deck of Oracle Cards!
Follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date with my art practice!
Join the Reach Program at RedLine!
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Discover Reach studio hours, program goals, and more >
Support Reach Today
Our Reach community art program is made possible by the generous support of donors and community members like you.
With a donation to RedLine’s Reach program, you can help Denver artists like Juannean further their arts career today!