As we dive into the heart of summer, Colorado artists have been preparing to showcase their talents in a variety of captivating ways.
July kicks off Denver’s Month of Video (.MOV), where artists around the city (including several RedLine Resident Artists and Alumni) will push the boundaries of their medium and take you on a visual journey that will leave you in awe.
We’re thrilled to announce the new .MOV video exhibition opening on July 1st at RedLine: New Red Order: Crimes Against Reality, curated by Jenna Maurice and Adán De La Garza.
Beyond Denver MOV, there’s a wide variety of exhibitions and events taking place around town, plus national shows featuring Resident Artists and Alumni. So mark your calendars and prepare to be immersed in a world where imagination knows no bounds.
Here are 8 art events to know about this July, in Denver and beyond!
Ana María Hernando - A piece of Sea and Sky Group Exhibition
What: Group Exhibition
Where: Suvretta House, Via Chasellas 1, 7500 St. Moritz, Switzerland
When: April 28-May 27, 2023
Opening Reception: July 6-October 22, 2023
About the exhibition: Atossa Kacerovsky; In 2012 she founded her gallery in the hidden hills of Zurich where she displays her favorite artists. Since 2022 she has changed the purpose of her company to the name Gallery Elle Fine Art AG with the focus on offering art advisory services. Tastes are different and it is so important to offer customers options that they personally like, to advise them appropriately, and, above all, to invest correctly, in addition to my artists.
Ana María Hernando - Making a Mountain Community Art Making
What: Community Art Making
Where: The Dairy Arts Center – 2590 Walnut (26th & Walnut) Boulder, C0, 80302
When: July 14-September 9, 2023
Opening Reception: July 14, 5-8pm
About the program: For Making a Mountain, the community will be invited to sew together, sharing stories while building a large-scale installation made from pink and orange tulle. At the very beginning, visitors see a space with only chairs and sewing machines on tables arranged in a circle. As participants begin sewing ruffled tulle onto ribbons, these strands feed the central space with its volume. As the days pass, the joyful work, done together, becomes a mound—then a mountain. The installation will stay up after all the sewing is complete, but the growth of the installation can be watched again and again afterwards through time-lapsed video recording.
Everyone can sign up in advance to come and sew, with possible additional spaces available for impromptu participants. To make the project welcoming to many, the sewing is simple, making it accessible to all sewing levels. One sewing machine will be available for any to use, but plan on bringing your own if you have one.
About the artist: Ana Maria Hernando Argentinian visual artist Ana Maria Hernando has been surrounded by fabrics from a very young age. Growing up in a family that owned a textile factory—where she spent many summers working as a teenager—it is no surprise that this influence would find its way into her art. Since becoming a visual artist, she has worked in a variety of mediums.
Artist website:
Instagram: @anamariahernandoart
Eileen Roscina - .MOV Premiere Screening: Local Accomplices Group Exhibition
What: Group Exhibition
Where: Denver Art Museum - 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy, Denver, CO 80204
When: July 1, 8-9:30pm
About the exhibition: The Denver Art Museum is pleased to present the opening screening for the inaugural festival celebrating video art, .MOV (Month of Video).Local Accomplices will highlight a selection of video works and live video performances exclusively by Colorado artists. Through their visionary narratives, these artists invite viewers on a thought-provoking journey that encompasses personal recollections, the profound complexities of the land, and the shared stories that shape our collective understanding.
Featuring works by Debora Bernagozzi & Jason Bernagozzi (live performance), RedLine Resident Artist Laura Conway (live performance), Adán De La Garza, Tobias Fike, RedLine Resident Alumni Esther Hz, Jeanne Liotta, RedLine Resident Alumni Cherish Marquez, RedLine Resident Artist Jenna Maurice, RedLine Resident Alumni Eileen Roscina, Kelly Sears, Kim Shively, and Cyane Tornatzky.
This event is free and open to the public. Advanced registration is required. Register now.
About the artist: Eileen Roscina is an artist, experimental filmmaker and naturalist from Denver, Colorado. She earned a BFA from Emerson College in Boston, MA, is an MFA candidate at University of Colorado, Boulder and trained at the School of Botanical Art and Illustration in Denver. Through biomimicry and the study of biophilia, her work examines human’s spiritual and social (dis)connection with nature, and seeks to raise questions about realizing a radically different metaphoric mapping of time, space and our place in the world.
Artist website:
Instagram: @eileenroscina
Christine Nguyen - Faces of Gaia Group Exhibition
What: Group Exhibition
Where: 10 Chancery Lane Gallery – 10 Chancery Ln, Central, Hong Kong
When: June 8-July 22, 2023
About the exhibition: Coinciding with the UN World Ocean’s Day June 8th, the exhibition brings together five women artists whose works suggest the many FACES OF GAIA. In Greek Mythology Gaia is the Earth Goddess and the ancestral mother of all life. The exhibition highlights Gaia as a complex intertwining of phenomena that as both maker and destroyer creates the harmony of life. Further explained in scientific circles, the Gaia hypothesis posits that Earth, and its biological systems, behave as a huge single entity.
Christine Nguyen - States of Being Group Exhibition
Auras of Sunflower Light II (2022). 36x24" spray paint on canvas.
What: Group Exhibition
Where: AMcE Creative Arts – 612 19th Avenue E, Seattle, WA
When: July 8-August 20, 2023.
About the exhibition: AMcE Creative Arts is delighted to present States of Being, a group show exploring beauty and balance found in the midst of chaos and opposition. Our world is in a perpetual state of transformation, best negotiated by a conscientious balancing act between pendulum swings. Flux can be disruptive and chaotic yet in many ways it is regenerative and rich with hope and possibility. The works in States of Being explore the coalescence and harmonization of concepts traditionally held in opposition and explore the beauty and regeneration that can be brought from disruption. The collection of paintings, collage, ceramics, and mixed media works include a blend of abstraction and surreal figuration. They are bold, brightly colored, and abuzz with energy.
About the artist: Christine Nguyen was born and raised in California and currently resides in Aurora, Colorado and also works in Long Beach, California. She received her B.F.A from California State University, Long Beach and M.F.A from University of California, Irvine. Exhibitions of her work have been shown nationally and internationally. Her works can be found in various collections. She is currently a 2022-2024 Redline Artist in Residence in Denver, CO.
Artist website:
Instagram: @seamoonshe
Chelsea Kaiah - Aberrant Behavior Dual Exhibition
Image courtesy of the artist
What: Dual show featuring Resident Artist Chelsea Kaiah and Cody Norton
Where: The Dairy Arts Center - 2590 Walnut (26th & Walnut) Boulder, Colorado
When: July 14–August 30, 2023
Opening Reception: Friday, July 14, 5-8PM
About the exhibition: Aberrant Behavior is an exhibition to showcase the lesser-seen areas within the hunting culture presented in the United States. Artists Chelsea Kaiah and Cody Norton give in-depth perspectives of Indigenous and Queer hunting practices. Aberrant Behavior is a deconstruction of stigmas and an in-process view of the ceremony, tears, relations, and identity that make up a hunter as a contemporary artist.
About the artist: Chelsea Kaiah (b. 1995) is Ute and Apache/ Irish settler, born on the Northern Ute reservation. As an artist she currently resides in Denver Colorado. She is a passionate activist for Native rights, awareness, and sustainability. Chelsea earned her BFA at Watkins College of Art and Design in Nashville Tennessee. Today she learns traditional practices of pine needle weaving, beading, porcupine quilling, buffalo hunting, and hide work. Incorporating her interdisciplinary skills to meld a perspective of culture and artistic practice.
Artist website:
Instagram: @chelsea.kaiah
Jenna Maurice - Denver Month of Video Group Exhibition
What: Group Exhibition
Where: Various locations around Denver, including RedLine Contemporary Art Center - 2350 Arapahoe St, Denver, CO
When: July 1-August 27, 2023
About the event: The festival is called "Denver month of Video" or .MOV. Mission Statement of the fest- "Denver Month of Video (MOV) is a month-long exhibition, event, and curatorial platform held citywide during the month of July, featuring exhibitions with a diverse array of video works, including video art, video games, performance art for video, and much more! Additionally, there will be engaging weekly video screening events held every Saturday.
About the artist: Jenna Maurice is an artist working in photography, video, and performance, who lives and works in Denver, CO. Her work deals with ideas concerning relationships (with herself, others, the past, and the landscape), non-verbal communication, and the language of the complicated human experience. Her work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally. She currently teaches at Metropolitan State University in Denver.
Artist website:
Instagram: jennar.maurice
Tony Ortega - The High Wall Group Exhibition
Video still from "Fuego" art video by Tony Ortega
What: Group Exhibition
Where: Seattle, WA. Located on the Southwest exterior of the Inscape Building 815 Seattle Blvd South
When: July 27-July 30, 2023
About the exhibition: The High Wall is an outdoor video projection project at the Inscape Arts Building. Honoring the building’s complicated history as an immigration station, the High Wall aims to show the work of artists who are immigrants or working with themes of immigration and diaspora. During exhibitions, members of the public are welcome to a reception on the second floor south porch of the building as darkness falls. Most exhibitions also include printed interviews with participating artists; documentation is shared here online.
The High Wall is powered by Shunpike. Shunpike is the 501(c)(3) non-profit agency that provides independent arts groups in Washington State with the services, resources, and opportunities they need to forge their own paths to sustainable success.
About the artist: Tony Ortega holds an MFA in drawing and painting from the University of Colorado and is currently a professor for Regis University. He is the recipient of the coveted Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts (1999) and the Mayor's Award for Excellence in the Arts (1998). Tony Ortega’s lifelong goal is to contribute to a better understanding of cultural diversity by addressing the culture, history and experiences of Chicanos/Latinos through his art.
Artist site:
Instagram: @tortegaartist
July Denver Art Events
RedLine Member Studio Tour
Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 5:30-6:30PM.
Join us for our bi-monthly RedLine Member studio tour! Meet a few of our current Resident Artists and learn more about their practice. Light refreshments provided.
Satellite Saturdays: Summer ArtPark Program
Saturday, July 15, 2023, 12-4PM.
Join us for a papier-mâché and printmaking workshop with Denver’s Papier-Mâché Club!
Weekly Figure Drawing
Every Wednesday from 6-8:30pm.
Figure Drawing is non-instructional, laid back, and welcoming to artists of all experience levels. Materials provided.