RedLine Contemporary Art Center | Denver, Colorado

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VIDEO: PBS Interviews “Ascent” Co-Curator Wylene Carol

Floyd D. Tunson: Ascent encompasses 10,000 square feet spanning two Denver metro galleries: RedLine (on display through July) and The Arvada Center for the Arts (on display through August).

In the wake of this regional “Tunson Takeover,” PBS recently interviewed Wylene Carol to learn more about her experience as Tunson’s Manager, fan, and friend.

Carol met Tunson in 1971 when he was hired as the art instructor at Palmer High School, where she taught English. When she walked into his studio, she was floored by Tunson’s work.

Fast forward to 2022, and Carol’s Colorado Spring’s apartment is filled floor-to-ceiling with Tunson pieces — a testament to her passion managing his art career over the decades.

Read the full PBS interview below, and stop by RedLine to experience Floyd D. Tunson’s “Ascent” through July 31!

Read interview and watch video here >

Interview with Daisy McGowan, Curator of "Ascent" and the "Black Power Tarot" at RedLine

The curator for both of RedLine’s current exhibitions “Ascent” and the “Black Power Tarot” is Daisy McGowan, award-winning arts administrator, art curator and community activator.

Since 2010, McGowan has served as the Director & Chief Curator for the University of Colorado Colorado Springs Gallery of Contemporary Art. McGowan has independently and collaboratively curated and produced over 95 exhibitions for various art institutes, including RedLine.

We recently sat down with McGowan to learn more about the fascinating inspiration and history behind these exhibitions — and to get exclusive behind-the-scenes details about what you can look forward to experiencing at your next visit!

Read interview now >